Public Safety Survey Results


Linguistic Landscape: More than Just 'Hello' and 'Goodbye' 

In the verbal variety of the streets, "On occasion" dominates with a presence of 45.5%, suggesting a community where multiple languages intermingle, but English might still be the main chorus. 

Automotive Statues: The Permanent Parking Situation 

The streets appear to be a parking paradise with "More than 3 stay for multiple days" taking up space 45.5% of the time, indicating that some streets may resemble more of a car museum than a thoroughfare. 

Fast Food Fiefdoms: A Culinary Cartography 

When it comes to fast food, "McDonalds and Wendy's" takes the burger crown, satiating 54.5% of local cravings, possibly making the golden arches more of a common sight than stop signs. 

Cloudy with a Chance of... Data? 

The skies are mostly "Reasonable, fluffy coverage" with a cloud coverage impression of 63.6%, perhaps providing just enough shade for comfort without dampening the spirits. 

Local Car Show: From Sedans to SUVs 

The local traffic tapestry is woven with "Standard sedans and SUVs. Toyota, Honda, and Ford", marking 54.5% of vehicular variety, suggesting a sensible selection by the residents. 

Chasing the Melody: The Ice Cream Man Saga 

The sweet sound of the Ice Cream Man's arrival is a maybe, yes, and no, with "Yes" leading at 72.7%, indicating that the familiar jingle might be the unofficial soundtrack of summer in the neighborhood. 

Blue on the Block: Measuring the Meter of Police Presence 

The neighborhood watch reports a "Not enough" feeling of police presence, with 36.4% in agreement, hinting at a desire for a stronger blue presence on the streets. 

Martial Law Mayhem: Neighbors in the Know or No? 

Should martial law loom, 100% of neighbors would "Agree and follow orders". Talk about organized chaos—either that or an unexpectedly unified stance in an extraordinary situation.